o4fs world
August 25th, 2024


This blog is a completely new thing to me, and if it is to you too, welcome and hello.

Possibly, some of you came from reading scribblanity, where I was trying to write both as or via a character I'd created to hide myself behind. However, a lot of what I ended up writing was a journal of what was happening to me personally over the last year.

I've explained on a last post on that blog the main reasons why I can't continue to blog as the character any more. I deleted a lot of the personal stuff on there too. I just didn't like it mixing in and maybe blurring the boundaries of what was, in my mind, meant to be a messing about and humour blog.

I accept that mine might have been the only mind this 'problem' was occurring in. A lot of problems only occur in my mind. Anyway, having set the blog up as being written by 'him', and the name of it, it didn't seem to be a fit to just switch to being a 'normal blog' blog.

Thinking about it, this seems a more suitable home for those health update posts now, and I may well liberate them from their chapel of rest (the drafts folder) on scribblanity and bring them over here.

You'll probably see a lot of this digression and thinking of new ideas as a post progresses here. It's an ADD thing. What you didn't see is the gap here where I did go off and make sure I had the drafts in that folder, then started to copy and paste them over before remembering that I was working on this post - after a quick visit to my socials, and a little check on what time Liverpool were kicking off today. Oh, and some transfer rumours for the day.

Anyway, back now.

I also have switched the fediverse account I post on. I used to use one on fedia social, mainly for my photography (which has fizzled out for the moment - it might fizzle back some time, I'm feeling a tingle), and a lot of people kindly followed from that when I created scribblans. I've now gone back to using the brumph account, but moved it to beige.party as my single account. Followers will probably have a trail of old and dormant versions of me on all sorts of servers and apps in the wider fediverse on their follow lists.

You should be prepared for this jumping about. It has happened all through my life, small but abrupt changes of mind and big life upheavals, many times regretfully, many times just what I needed. I have accepted my mind is what it is and gives me 100% certainty that whatever I'm doing now is the right thing, until tomorrow when it's 100% the same about the opposite. It's a feature, not a bug.

Right, back to the socials to post a link for this post. Via something else first I expect.